
Camping/canoeing in Algonquin

Motorcycle touring
Jim, Ken, myself and...

Anouk on bike
my near constant companion the summer of 1995
as we each dealt with the loss of our fathers

and sowed the seeds of something much more profound
between us in the years to come

The open road

Volleyball team at Biology Dept. picnic
Post-volleyball at Mac Biology Dept. picnic
Lou, two unnnamed bio wannabees, me
Anouk, Alberto and Rob

Exploring the Elora Gorge
Ken, Linda, Anouk, Jim

A sunset horseride

trip to Montreal
Roadtrip to Montreal

Rob & Beto were at genetics conference in Montreal,
so Dave, Anouk and I headed out to join them for the weekend (and to check out the Jazz Festival)

Linda and Dan were also there, but had to go back early.

Random Party pics

Getting together to relax and commiserate over the travails of grad school
over a few drinks was not an uncommon occurance

Mac party
me, Derek, Paul, Beto and Linda

Party at Anouk's
me, Selena, Rob and Joanne

Another parrty at Anouk's
Anouk, Selena and me

Bad hair day
Karen, Jenn, Roger, me, Vanessa and Rob

Hard at work
Karen, Jenn, myself, Robin, Chris

A night of latin dancing
(l-r): Beatriz, Vanessa, Charles, Shelley, Drew, myself

Hiking in Wisconsin
Anouk and Ken

Octoberfest (in K-W)
myself, Ryan, Drew, Vanessa, Leigh Ann, Joe, Charles, Laurie

Dave and Cherry's wedding
Dave and Cherry's wedding (Aug. 23, 2003)

bundled up - Winnipeg
Winnipeg Feb 2004
Linda and Anouk bundled up against the weather
(on the Red River)

Skating on the Red River
Skating on the Red River (2004)
Alberto, Anouk, and Linda