I am currently working in Scientific Support
for amaxa biosystems AG, (now part of Lonza AG) in Cologne, Germany.
And trying to use the opportunity to see as much of Europe as possible.
A photojournal of my life (well mostly my travels) while living in Europe
is available here: drakkin.com.
Recent Milestones:

My work involves the study of aberrant V(D)J recombination
which is related to cancers of the immune system such as leukemias and lymphomas.
To see details and photos of the trip click here.

Here I am pictured having the degree conferred upon me by the chancellor of McMaster University (left),
while my thesis supervisor, Dr. Andrew Rainbow, approaches to bestow the ceremonial hood.
My research: involved studying DNA repair mechanisms in human cells.
A general overview of these important processes and their relationship to many forms of cancer
is presented in the DNA Repair & Cancer pages of this site.
For more details on the specifics of my research,
examine my CV and/or a list of my publications.
Additional notes and photos pertaining to some of my other interests and activities (see menu at left) will be added as time permits.
Site constructed by Murray A. Francis
email: murray@francis.com